Just some easy steps to make it works! If it’s too difficult for you to do, feel free to contact us via Live chat support we will help you install the App for free and as soon as possible.
Step 1. Go to Theme –> Actions -> Edit code
Step 2. Open – templates/Product.liquid or sections/product-template.liquid
Step 3. Find Add to cart button. You can use Ctrl+F to find it (keyword “cart“)
Step 4. Copy this Snippet code:
{%- capture cart_button -%}
<!-- Paste your cart button to this block -->
<!-- / End -->
{%- endcapture -%}
{%- if product.tags contains 'lumise'-%}
{%- if product.tags contains 'lumise-product-base' and product.metafields.lumise and product.metafields.lumise.product_base %}
<a class="lumise-button-customize btn button" href="{{shopify.domain}}/apps/design-editor/app/?product_cms={{product.id}}&product_base={{product.metafields.lumise.product_base.value}}" type="button">Customize</a>
{%- elsif product.tags contains 'lumise-customize' and product.metafields.lumise and product.metafields.lumise.product_base and product.metafields.lumise.product and product.metafields.lumise.product.value contains 'id:'-%}
{%- assign lumise_options = product.metafields.lumise.product.value | split: '|' -%}
{%- for opt in lumise_options -%}
{%- assign field = opt | split: ':'-%}
{%- if field[0] == 'lumise_disable_add_cart' and field[1] != 'yes'-%}
{%- endif-%}
{%- if field[0] == 'lumise_customize' and field[1] == 'yes' -%}
<a class="lumise-button-customize btn button" href="{{shopify.domain}}/apps/design-editor/app/?product_cms={{product.id}}&product_base={{product.metafields.lumise.product_base.value}}" type="button">Customize</a>
{% endif%}
{%- endfor-%}
{%- else -%}
{%- endif-%}
{%- else %}
{%- endif -%}
Step 5. Then paste it below the block code of the button “Add to cart”
2. Modify the Order status page
*Display a thumbnail of the design when the order completed
Step 3. Replace the below code blocks with the snippet you have just copied.
With Shopify OS 1.0 themes, you can use Ctrl+F to find it (the keyword is “image”)
With the Shopify OS 2.0 themes, please find the keyword “shop.email_logo_url“
After installation is done, Lumise will create 2 ends for you. One is for customers to design a product Another one is for the store owner to configure settings on the customer’s end.
Similar steps with | Order refund | Order canceled | Abandoned checkout | Draft order invoice | Shipping confirmation | New order
*Note: for New order Replace <img src=”{{ line | img_url: ‘thumb’ }}” /> by the code above.
4. Add the CSS code to Lumise settings
Step 1. Go to Lumise app -> Settings -> Editor -> Custom CSS box.
Step 2. Copy the below code and paste it to the Custom CSS box.
5. Create a new Product base to see how the app work.
Step 1. Go to Lumise app -> Product Base -> Add new product base.
Step 2. Enter your product information.
Step 3. After creating a product base, it will appear in your Shopify as a new product with the tag Lumise base. Please don’t remove that tag, your product must have that tag to work with Lumise. Go to Shopify -> Products -> find that product to preview it.
It is likely that the app may not work on third-party themes, if this is the case please contact us for free support.
Let us know if there’s anything else we can do for you. We’re happy to help you